Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Yeovil Express, Archive: We don't want another money-grabbing scheme

HERE we go again. Yet another "get rich quick" developer. This time it's Norwegian Rolf Munding, who proposes to build a luxury hotel, two restaurants, a Roman-style amphitheatre and some "affordable" riverside apartments at Falmouth Wharves. And if you believe the latter you'll believe anything!
Initial murmurings from councillors indicate a favourable response. I wonder how many of them live at North Parade, and if they do, would they welcome increased traffic along its narrow road if Munding's plans are accepted? Falmouth is my much loved home town and over the years it has sickened me to see so many changes to its waterfront, most of which have benefited wealthy second-homers and tourists, not the town's residents. Enough is enough, I say. Rolf Munding can inflict his money-grabbing schemes on his own country instead of imposing them on Falmouth.

Di Coffey, Loscombe Lane, Four Lanes

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