Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Falmouth Packet - Wharf plans withdrawn for more consultations

PLANS for a £20 million re-development of a Falmouth wharf have been withdrawn, but developer, Rolf Munding, says he hopes to resubmit them within the next six weeks.
At a presentation to Penryn town council's planning committee on Monday evening, Mr Munding outlined his plans and answered any questions the councillors had about the development on Coastline Wharf.
The plans include a 14 room hotel, two restaurants, 43 apartments, 16 commercial units, a theatre and gallery. Mr Munding also said that the development will create 120-130 permanent jobs.
He added that he had withdrawn the plans from Carrick district council's planning department after he was told they were likely to be rejected under delegated powers.
He said: "It is very rare that plans of this scale are rejected under delegated powers. So I decided to pull back and hold meetings with all interested parties, such as Penryn town council. Hopefully this way we can iron out any problems people may have with the plans."
The decision to withdraw the plans came after a number of residents who live in North Parade, behind the wharf, said that the project would have a devastating effect on the area.
Residents said that the development would result in an increase in noise levels, a large amount of extra traffic passing through the area and the loss of businesses who currently trade on the wharf.
Mr Munding explained at the meeting that he believed traffic would not be huge concern as he had made a deal with the maritime museum and Ponsharden park and ride, to use 100 spaces of their car park, which would keep the traffic away from the site.
The Norwegian developer added: "I want to make this development into something that the whole community can use and benefit from. I will be offering commercial units to the traders currently on site and will also be offering them a pioneer rent. Which means I will subsidise their rent for around three years."
After attending meetings with local organisations and council representatives, Mr Munding said he would look at the plans again and resubmit them to Carrick district council's planning committee as soon as possible.

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